NOHA Tournament of Champions and House League Tournament of Champions team applications and payment are due December 1st! Make sure you submit your applications before the deadline tonight.
Hockey Canada has released a report on Rule 11.4 – Discrimination Read the Hockey Canada Maltreatment Report
NOHA Tournament of Champions team applications are open until December 1st!
Apply Now

This season, W.A.I.T. before you act! Get involved and spread the message:
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The NOHA is currently accepting nominations for Official of the Month. Officials nominated should be between the ages of 14-17 and have a passion for officiating!
Nomination Form
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The Northern Ontario Hockey Association (NOHA) is committed to promoting healthy environments for all of their players, coaches, officials, participants and businesses who provide services to those participating in hockey programs.
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The NOHA Team Guide is a resource for you and your team with great information for your season.
If you haven’t saved the Team Guide to your favourites yet, click below!
Team Guide

The NOHA wants to celebrate our hard-working and dedicated volunteers by choosing a Volunteer of the Month!
To nominate your Volunteers, please fill in the form HERE
Selected Volunteers will be posted mid-month.

Hockey Canada Pathway to Hockey Coverage Information for Associations
Pathway to Hockey programs (commonly known as try hockey programs) are designed to provide fun, safe and affordable introduction to hockey opportunities to all Canadians. These are programs that are run and managed by Local Hockey Associations – with the objective of growing their membership. Pathway to hockey programs can be a simple ball hockey initiative or a 12-week program that teaches skating or the fundamentals of the game. Key objectives for this initiative are as follows:
Provide an opportunity for Local Hockey Associations to expand their introductory programming offerings, leading to increased accessibility, diversity and inclusiveness
Ensure that all participants and programs are insured and managed in accordance with our shared values and standards
Remove a component of the cost barrier (insurance) for program participants
Track participants and their hockey journey, leading to greater understanding of retention and sustainability
Collect best practices and innovative ideas, including identification of opportunities to share with others and/or scale in other areas
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