Check these silky mitts!

This post by Hockey Canada shows off a young superstar named Rylynn, with a set of the silkiest mitts we’ve ever seen. Want to incorporate this routine at home? It’s simple, all you need is a golf ball and your stick. I suggest not doing it on Mom’s clean hardwood floors 😮

Grab a golf ball from Dad’s bag (I’m sure he won’t mind) and get going! Inexpensive and easy to find, golf balls are perfect for working on those quick hands. Not the ball you want to shoot or deke with but a golf ball is small and light allowing you to turn those hands over quicker than with any other stickhandling tool.

When you get really good, throw in a balance board and do it just like Rylynn.

If you can’t get a golf ball, these make perfect gifts for the kids.

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